
Chikungunya Facts | Causes Outbreaks and Sufferings

In recent times, Chikungunya has caught global attention. Many parts of the world have already experienced chikungunya outbreak. The mosquito borne viral disease is not so deadly but causes much sufferings. In this circumstances, let's know the facts of Chikungunya.

Chikungunya means 'to become contorted'. Chikungunya meaning expresses the symptom of the disease. In 1952, southern Tanzania experienced the first chikungunya outbreak. A RNA virus is responsible for this disease. Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus are the two mosquito species who are the main culprits for spreading chikungunya virus. For your kind information, I want to inform you that these species also spread dengue fever.

Chikungunya Symptoms:
What are the most significant Chikungunya symptoms? High fever and joint pain. The other symptoms are:
  •  headache,
  •  joint swelling,
  •  muscle pain,
  •  skin rash,
  •  nausea and
  •  fatigue.
Chikungunya is not a fatal disease in most cases. But the problem is the long-term effects of chikungunya, joint pain. If you are unlucky, you may suffer from it for months.

Chikungunya Diagnosis:
What can you do for Chikungunya diagnosis? Chikungunya Blood test includes serum or plasma. The test detects virus and viral nucleic acid. Most significantly it detects virus-specific immunoglobulin IgM and neutralizing antibodies.

Chikungunya Prevention:
What can you do for chikungunya prevention? Not much. There is no chikungunya vaccine yet which can prevent the virus. So, just prevent mosquito bites. Don't forget that the mosquitos bite at the day time most.

Chikungunya in different parts of the world:
Chikungunya mainly occurs in Asia, Africa and the Indian subcontinent. Europe experienced the first chikungunya in 2007 when a localized outbreak occurred in north-eastern Italy. America reported 37,480 confirmed cases and 693,489 suspected cases in 2015. Among the South American countries, Brazil, Bolivia and Colombia reported the most chikungunya cases.

Is there any chikungunya in Australia? According to the information provided by, Aedes aegypti is found in Cairns and Townsville, and north Queensland towns. In March 2006 in Tennant Creek, and in May 2008 in Groote Eylandt, the species was established but eradicated very quickly. The mosquitoes were found in Tennant Creek again in 2011 and an elimination program is underway there.

Bangladesh was free from chikungunya. But in 2017, chikungunya outbreak in Bangladesh occurs in the capital. According to, nearly 3,000 people were affected by chikungunya in Dhaka by July 14, 2017.

What is the condition of chikungunya in Brazil? According to, Brazil recorded 10,294 cases of chikungunya by 18 February 2017, which was 43,567 in 2016.

Is there any chikungunya in Costa Rica? The Pan American Health Organization confirmed nearly 60,000 chikungunya cases in the Caribbean islands in the first half of 2014, which was showed up in Costa Rica later in the year. Chikungunya was strongly established there in 2015 and it is getting highest priority for health officials. 

Chikungunya Outbreaks:
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), chikungunya caused outbreak in many countries in recent years. The recent chikungunya outbreaks were:
  • In 2017: France.
  • In 2016: Kenya, United States of America and Argentina.
  • In 2015: Spain, Senegal.
  • In 2014: France.
  • In 2013: French part of the Caribbean isle of Saint Martin.
  • In 2006: India, South West Indian Ocean, La Reunion Island (France).
Chikungunya and Zika:
What are the similarities and differences between chikungunya and zika?
  • In both cases, female Aedes aegypti mosquitoes transmit the viruses. 
  • No vaccines, no medications for both. 
  • Supportive care of the symptoms is the only treatment. 
  • The symptoms of Zika is mild, on the other hand, joint pain caused by Chikungunya lasts for a long time. 
  • But the most serious impact of Zika is microcephaly of newborn babies, which is caused by zika infected pregnant mothers. 
  • You may carry the viruses but you may not know that. That means, the viruses can stay in your body without showing any symptoms. 
  • You can control chikungunya and zika by controlling vector mosquitos.
Chikungunya treatment:
Is there any chikungunya treatment home remedies? Actually, there is no preventive vaccine or medicine to treat chikungunya. The has given you some advice to treat the symptoms.
  • Take rest a lot and drink much fluids. 
  • To reduce fever and pain, you can take acetaminophen or paracetamol but you cannot take aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. 
  • As infected mosquitos spread the virus, prevent mosquito bites.
Chikungunya rash:
What are the chikungunya skin rash treatment or home remedies for chikungunya rashes? The gave dermatologist Rohit Barta's tips. According to the suggestions,
  •  don't go out in the sun (if needed, use a good quantity of sunscreen),
  •  don't eat citrus fruits and foods, and
  •  take anti-allergic medicines.
We are going to conclude our discussion today. Chikungunya is an infectious disease. And, it affects many people within a very short period of time. Although the death rate of chikungunya is very low, we have to be aware much. Controlling the vector mosquitos and being abstain from mosquito bites are imperative. Only our awareness can prevent the disease to a great extent.

Sources of Information: Wikipedia, WHO,,,,,,,

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