
Do Not Ignore Depression | Depression Is Treatable

Depression is such a mental problem where a person feels disappointed, frustrated and indifference to anything for at least two weeks. In addition to that, different types of physical and emotional symptoms appear. Because of depression, the personal, familial, educational, professional and social life of a person is damaged and normal activities are hampered.

Different studies show that 5 to 17 percent of the world's population are suffering from depression. According to a report, conducted by the World Mental Health Survey in 17 countries, there is 1 depressed person among 20 adult men and women. 

Every year, the World Health Day is observed on April 7th. Like other years, a theme was set for the day this year(2017). The theme was 'Depression- Let's Talk'. Considering the importance of public health, the theme was very timely for the world. According to the World Health Organization's (WHO) estimation, the burden of depression will remain its highest peak by 2030. 

When a man suffers from depression, his personal life is damaged, family life is hampered; besides, because of non-productivity and treatment of a large number of depressed citizens, the socio-economic impact of depression is created in societies and states. 

According to the World Health Organization, nearly 3,000 people commit suicide every day around the world, that means about 8 million people commit suicide each year- most of these suicides occur due to depression. To prevent suicide also, the role of identifying and seeking the remedy of depression is important.

There is no reason to consider depression as a personal disorder, in public health, the impact of depression is widespread. To assess from the public perspective, the causes of depression have to be considered.

Generally, there are physical, mental and social causes behind depression. Those who are suffering from long-term physical disorders, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, respiratory problems etc., are prone to depression more. To identify and control these chronic diseases, awareness has to be made.

Emotional stress and personality form are responsible for depression. So, being stress free, to improve the quality of personality, social skills have to be increased since childhood. 

Social discrimination, unrest, deprivation, and poverty create particular pressures. Depression may occur in somebody from these pressures. Necessary steps have to be taken for social protection. If there is a negative effect of the role of the parents in the upbringing of the children, if anybody is subjected to any kind of abuse, he may suffer from depression in future. It is urgent to prevent child oppression and, to become ideal parents.

After any disaster, the affected population falls into great trouble, which may lead them to depression. As soon as after the disaster, depression can be prevented by providing 'primary mental healthcare'.

Apart from focusing on the causes of depression, the misconceptions and misbeliefs about depression have to be minimized. Depression is a medical problem. We have to provide scientific information about its long-term and widespread negative effects.

The sooner depression can be diagnosed, the sooner it will be cured and the harmful effects will be reduced. For the treatment of depression, medicines have to be taken scientifically, and counseling services have to be taken if necessary. Not being confused with any advertisements, medicines for depression have to be taken regularly.

Effective role of health professionals, psychiatrists, policy makers, the media and the conscious society of all levels can contribute significantly to prevention, rapid identification, and remedies of depression. Giving importance to the theme of the World Health Day this year, let's talk about depression.

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