
Addiction or Good Health: What do you want?

Addictions are of many kinds. From smoking to drinking alcohol to watching porn, all these addictions are harmful for our body and mind. Different kinds of  addictions cause different kinds of diseases. It also causes many social problems. So, everybody should know the harmful effects and remedy of addiction. World media always discuss about it. Let us see what they have written about it ....

Do you know that tobacco is responsible for 1 in 10 adults' death? Smoking is the mother of many diseases like heart attacks, strokes, respiratory problems etc. Considering the harmful effects of smoking some countries have banned smoking in public places. A study have found that the ban has been effective. Researchers collected data from 21 countries and found positive result of the ban. In these countries, diseases caused by smoking have decreased significantly.[Fox News Health, Feb 05, 2016]

South Koreans take more alcohol than any other country in the world. They consume twice than Russians who are in the second place. The name of the alcohol they consume most is Soju. Every night they take more than 7 million bottle of Soju. South Koreans take alcohol for different reasons including social status, but it is increasing the social cost of health.[Al Jazeera Health, Feb 05, 2016]

Many smokers try to give up smoking. Most experts thought that e-cigarettes could help smokers quitting smoking. But a surprising paper has been published recently where it has been said that e-cigarette takers are less successful than non e-cigarette takers in this regard. BBC reported this on 6th February,2006 mentioning other websites like Daily Mail and CBS. Many experts have denied the study report. They have criticized the result of the study.

If you are interested in drugs and alcohol related information, you can have a visit Australian Broadcasting Corporation's Health and Wellbeing page. You may get many answers of your questions there.

Do not forget to visit the world media for latest information of addiction. Addiction problem is rising in the world alarmingly. So, everybody has to know the causes and complications of addiction. Some addictions can be very dangerous. For this reason, we have to try our best to stop addictions at any cost.

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