
Lose Weight in 15 Days

A lot of people are worried of excess body fat today. For good health as well as physical beauty, both men and women try to lose weight. But most of the time it is not possible to do exercise and control diet because of the busy work schedule. But you know that it is not very tough to lose weight by adopting some simple strategies. You can lose weight too.
Lifestyle related website Boldsky has given us some simple advice to lose weight in 15 days only.

Drink Enough Water:
If you drink a lot of water, your body will remain wet. You will feel that your stomach is full. You will feel hungry less. Thus, you will eat less and your body weight will be reduced. Drink at least 10 to 12 glasses of water daily.

Clean Fridge:
Are you laughing to hear it? You are thinking what the relation between cleaning fridge and weight loss is. Yes, there is relationship. Remove all the fast-foods and meals with high calories from you kitchen and refrigerator. Instead of it, keep healthy snacks. Keep fruits and vegetables. If the healthy foods are before your eyes, the habit of taking them will grow gradually.

Stay away from Carbohydrates and Sugar:
Stay away from sweet foods or sugar at least for 15 days. Eat less carbohydrate foods also. Eat rice, bread etc. less. Eating less amount of these foods will lose the body weight quickly.

Eat protein rich foods:
Keep protein rich foods in the menu. It will make the muscles strong. Skipping protein rich foods has a bad impact for the body. Keep eggs, chicken, milk, peas etc. in the food menu. But, avoid red meat.

Eat more vegetables:
It is a simple word that vegetables play an important role in weight loss. So, keep vegetables more on your dish. Vegetables contain antioxidants and nutrients. These elements help keep the body well.

Take calore rich foods according to your need. If necessary, take the advice of the experts.

Never Skip Meals:
By skipping meal, nobody can lose weight. So, no meal could be excluded. Eat at least five times a day (Three times large meal and two times small meal).

Avoid Fast-food:
Say no to fast food, soft drinks, processed foods etc. These foods contain high calorie that increases body weight.

Take food on small dish:
You eat more when you take food on a large dish. So, eat on a small plate. You can use a spoon to eat less. When you eat with your hand, you take more food at a time.

There is no alternative to walking to lose weight. And walking does not lose weight only, it also decreases the risk of heart disease.

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