
Do you know these Wonderful Health Benefits of Garlic?

Garlic adds a unique flavor to cooking. Garlic has been using in cooking in India for a long time. It is not less known in other countries too. Many people call garlic ‘Power House of Medicine and Flavor’. The reason is - raw and cooked garlic keeps the body fit. And eating garlic on a regular basis cure many diseases.

Garlic has been using to cure diseases in Indian subcontinent for a long time. In addition, garlic is also used in other purposes. Using garlic is quite common in many cultures. Our ancestors have used garlic to control insects. In middle age, Europeans have used it to control plague.

Garlic contains the compound allicin that cure diseases. According to a NDTV report, the use of garlic and its health benefits are informed below:

Keeps Blood Clean:
Two cloves of garlic with a glass of warm water has to be taken in the morning daily. And a lot of water has to be taken in the day. It will clean blood and keep the skin well. If you want to lose weight, add some lemon juice to the warm water.

Cure Cold and Fever:
Garlic could be a super medicine for those people who frequently experience cold and fever. To remove cold and fever, two to three cloves of raw garlic have to be taken. Besides this, garlic could be eaten cooked and with tea. If the smell of garlic is felt bad, add ginger and honey to it.

To avoid heart disease:
The levels of cholesterol remain less if some cloves of raw or semi-cooked garlic are taken daily. And to control blood pressure and to balance sugar levels in blood, garlic works well. The sulfur-based compound allicin have positive impact on health. Keep in mind, raw garlic is better in this regard.

To prevent Bacteria and Bacterial diseases:
Garlic has been used to prevent bacteria and bacterial diseases for thousands of years. Studies have found that garlic extract works well to eliminate worms in children. Mouth wash could be made with garlic extract. The daily use of this mouth wash stops the spread of bacteria in the gums.

To prevent Cancer:
Stomach and colon cancer could be prevented by taking raw or cooked garlic daily. Many studies have claimed it. In addition, almost all types of cancer resistance is made in the body by daily consumption of garlic.

In skin and hair care:
The daily consumption of garlic makes the skin beautiful and remove the signs of aging. Besides, to protect the skin from the attack of bacteria and fungus, garlic has to be eaten regularly. Regular consumption of garlic stops hair fall and helps grow new hair.

Patients who have asthma or shortness of breath should be careful in using garlic. In many cases, side effects are seen in these patients. Garlic consumption has to be stopped before operation. And not more than two to three cloves of garlic should be eaten without consulting a doctor.

Not these 9 Foods in an Empty Stomach

Eating healthy food is very important for the body. Eating at the right time is important as well. Recently, a study has proved that there are some foods that should not be eaten in an empty stomach any more. These foods create acids and cause intestinal problems. Popular lifestyle related website Boldsky has informed us the foods.

Soda contains high amount of carbonated acid. If soda is taken in an empty stomach, carbonated acid causes nausea and health problems.

When tomato is taken in an empty stomach, its existing acid mix with gastrointestinal acids and makes one kind of insoluble gel. This gel could create stones in the stomach.

Some gastric medicines are recommended to take before meal. But, for most of the medicines, doctors advise to take after meal or when the stomach if full. When medicines are taken in empty stomach, they create unpleasant condition there.

Drinking is harmful for the body. Drinking in empty stomach is more harmful. The elements of alcohol create burning in the intestine.

Spicy foods:
Many of us like to eat spicy foods. Eating spicy foods in empty stomach is not good anyhow. As a result of eating spicy foods in an empty stomach, acidic reaction creates burning there.

Drinking coffee in empty stomach is very harmful. Coffee contains caffeine that is not good for the stomach. So, if you need to drink coffee, take a glass of water first.

Like coffee, tea should not be taken in an empty stomach. Tea contains high levels of acids which do harm the membranes of the stomach.

Eating banana in an empty stomach increases the amount of magnesium in the body suddenly. As a result, the balance of magnesium and calcium in blood is destroyed. So, experts advise not to take banana in empty stomach.

Sweet Potato:
Do you know that sweet potato contains tannin and pectin? These elements release more acid that constrain the stomach wall. As a result, burning is created in the chest.

Remove Stress at once

Now-a-days it is difficult to get a man who has no mental pressure. Sometimes, we become almost senseless for different types of mental pressure, such as office workload, to cope with colleagues, fragile relationship, managing children, a lot of economic pressure etc.

Mental pressure is constant in life. But, we have to find out a way to get rid of it. We will discuss about a long term solution another day. Today, let’s find out some ways to handle stress quickly and temporarily. A popular health related website has informed us the quick ways of removing stress.

What you have to look at:
  • Are you feeling pressure too much? Look at a picture you like most.
  • Open the windows and go close to light.
  • Is there any tree by the window? Look at the tree. If there is no tree next to the window, look at the people walking on the street. Notice their gesture carefully.
  • When you are walking, look at the people around you. You must find someone in worse condition than you.
  • Enjoy the beauty of nature. Light has come to terrace. Look at the light for a moment. Slowly, your mind would become cool.
  • See the colors of the things around you. Just see the colors leaving all thoughts.
  • Close your eyes and think about a place you like most.
What you have to listen:
  • Are you in pressure? Listen to a music of your choice. And yes, do not listen to a sad song this time anymore. Listen to funny songs.
  • If possible, listen to chirping of birds, sound of falling water etc.
What you have to smell and touch:
  • Take smell of some beautiful flowers. Apply your favorite perfumes to your body.
  • Are you having too much trouble; feeling helpless? Touch your own body. Hold your own hand. You are for yourself. Feel your own existence.
In addition, you can eat something you like. This could be chocolate or ice cream. But, do not eat too much. If you do these, you might be free from stress quickly.

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Lose Weight in 15 Days

A lot of people are worried of excess body fat today. For good health as well as physical beauty, both men and women try to lose weight. But most of the time it is not possible to do exercise and control diet because of the busy work schedule. But you know that it is not very tough to lose weight by adopting some simple strategies. You can lose weight too.
Lifestyle related website Boldsky has given us some simple advice to lose weight in 15 days only.

Drink Enough Water:
If you drink a lot of water, your body will remain wet. You will feel that your stomach is full. You will feel hungry less. Thus, you will eat less and your body weight will be reduced. Drink at least 10 to 12 glasses of water daily.

Clean Fridge:
Are you laughing to hear it? You are thinking what the relation between cleaning fridge and weight loss is. Yes, there is relationship. Remove all the fast-foods and meals with high calories from you kitchen and refrigerator. Instead of it, keep healthy snacks. Keep fruits and vegetables. If the healthy foods are before your eyes, the habit of taking them will grow gradually.

Stay away from Carbohydrates and Sugar:
Stay away from sweet foods or sugar at least for 15 days. Eat less carbohydrate foods also. Eat rice, bread etc. less. Eating less amount of these foods will lose the body weight quickly.

Eat protein rich foods:
Keep protein rich foods in the menu. It will make the muscles strong. Skipping protein rich foods has a bad impact for the body. Keep eggs, chicken, milk, peas etc. in the food menu. But, avoid red meat.

Eat more vegetables:
It is a simple word that vegetables play an important role in weight loss. So, keep vegetables more on your dish. Vegetables contain antioxidants and nutrients. These elements help keep the body well.

Take calore rich foods according to your need. If necessary, take the advice of the experts.

Never Skip Meals:
By skipping meal, nobody can lose weight. So, no meal could be excluded. Eat at least five times a day (Three times large meal and two times small meal).

Avoid Fast-food:
Say no to fast food, soft drinks, processed foods etc. These foods contain high calorie that increases body weight.

Take food on small dish:
You eat more when you take food on a large dish. So, eat on a small plate. You can use a spoon to eat less. When you eat with your hand, you take more food at a time.

There is no alternative to walking to lose weight. And walking does not lose weight only, it also decreases the risk of heart disease.

Do you know about Diabetic Neuropathy or Nerve Numbness?

Diabetes has become an epidemic today. The efficiency of nerves at the end of hands and feet of diabetic patients is decreased gradually. It happens mostly to them who have been suffering from uncontrolled diabetes for a long time. As a result, the infected person’s hands and feet begin to wane. It causes serious damage to the patient. In some patients, the feelings of the feet decreases so much that blood comes out because of a cut but they cannot say it.
The symptoms of nerve numbness in patients with diabetes include-
  • Feeling pins and needles in hands and legs.
  • Losing the strength of hands and feet.
  • Hands and feet muscles dry.
  • Feeling like burning on the palm of the hands and feet.
At first of the treatment, diabetes has to be controlled. Secondly, the efficiency of hands and feet muscles has to be kept fit through physiotherapy. Patients have to take physical exercise regularly. The benefits of exercise are given below:
  • Exercise consumes power of the body. As a result, body weight is controlled by losing fat.
  • The production of insulin from beta cells in pancreas is increased through exercise.
  • Exercise increases the performance of insulin. As a result, the small amount of insulin produced in the body can control the levels of glucose of blood. Additional medicine might not be needed.
  • Blood circulation in the body increases through exercise.
  • The complications of diabetes are reduced.
  • Exercise increases the amount of good cholesterol (HDL) and decreases bad cholesterol (LDL) in blood.
  • Exercise reduces high blood pressure.
  • By alleviating tension, exercise keeps the mind fresh and cheerful.
  • Exercise ensures better sleep.
  • Exercise makes bones and heart strong. It keeps the bone joints active.
  • One of the major causes of breaking bone in old age is osteoporosis of bone loss. Especially, hip fracture is found in women. Exercise reduces osteoporosis.
Exercise enhances immunity of the body.

How to reduce stomach gas?

Everyone experiences stomach gas from time to time. Gas also comes out. But sometimes, the problem is so acute that it becomes an embarrassing matter.

There are two reasons of stomach gas. Swallowing air while eating or drinking is one reason. The other reason is breaking dietary fibers in the small intestine. Hydrogen and carbon dioxide gases are produced first. Later they become methane. The germs of large intestine help in this change.

Normal amount of gas:
It is normal to regulate gas 15-20 times a day. It is the normal function of the digestive system.

Some advice to reduce stomach gas:
  • Eat and drink slowly. Chew food properly while eating. Soft drinks and water should not be swallowed up quickly. Talking should be limited while chewing foods. It will prevent air to enter the stomach.
  • Nobody should eat or drink with a straw. It helps air to enter the stomach that produces gas.
  • It is better to avoid chewing gum and candy. Soft drinks should be avoided too. There are many reasons against soft drinks.
  • Avoid smoking. While smoking, smoke does not go into the lungs only, rather it goes into the stomach also.
  • Exercise, especially moderate exercise such as walking 10 minutes after dinner makes the digestive system gas free.
  • Many people cannot digest milk. They can take lactase as supplement. They can also take old yogurt.
  • It is better to take more fruits, vegetables, legumes, coarse grains slowly. The number of intestinal bacteria will increase over time if these foods consumption is increased gradually. They will be able to break soluble fibers too.
  • Tight pants and belts put pressure on the stomach. It creates various types of problems in digestion. Besides, stomach is filled in gas.
Gas emission is embarrassing. However, it is a normal operation of the digestive system. Taking a few steps can dilute some of the problems. But consult a doctor if gas is produced in the stomach regularly.

Problems in Eyes in Middle Age

Along with some common problems, some particular problems are occurred in eyes in the middle and old age. Dr. Nafis Ahamed, senior consultant of eye department in Bangladesh Medical College and Hospital, has talked about it in an interview with recently. Many unknown and important things have come up in his speech. Let’s know the important things:

The first question is, what kinds of problems are occurred in the middle and old age? This can be divided into two parts. One is infective. It means infection which is occurred by germs such as bacteria. Another reason is non-infective or non-microbial. Among the microbial diseases, the most widespread is corneal ulcer. Another one is dakriosistitis, inflammation or infection of eye duct or tear duct. These two are very common. Conjunctivitis is also seen. These problems are caused by microbes.

Non-microbial diseases are also divided into two parts. One is reversible blindness. This blindness can be brought back to vision again. Cataracts is such kind of problem.

On the other hand, there are some diseases such as glaucoma, which is not reversible. So, the prevalent diseases are glaucoma, cataracts, corneal ulcer, dakriosistitis and problems occurred by injury.

There are many reasons of the reduction of the power of the eyes. It could be caused due to disease. Eye power may decrease close to the age of 40. This problem is related to age. The intensity of the problem increases slowly to 50 years of age.

One special kind of water is created in our eyes. There are some ways inside the eyes. The water gets out through the ways. For any reason, if the ways age blocked, water cannot pass through them. When water cannot go out, it creates pressure inside the eyes. These pressure affects the optic nerve. Optic nerve helps us to see. So, if the optic nerve is damaged, it will not be brought back again. It can be damaged if it is not diagnosed timely. And the ultimate result is blindness.

How much you know about Summer Heat Stroke?

Every year, temperature is rising. The earth is becoming warmer. But the temperature of human body is regulated internally. Our body tries to maintain its own temperature though the temperature of the environment is increased. Then the body starts to sweat. Sweat is evaporated and our body becomes cool. But if there is not enough stored water in the body, problems occur. The body becomes warmer with the increase of humidity. As a result, evaporating ability of sweat decreases. Thus the situation of heat stroke is created.

Who experience Heat Stroke:
Children and elderly people cannot regulate body temperature more. So, they could have heat stroke. In addition to that, labor may be a cause of heat stroke. Standing or working in the sun for a long time is also susceptible to heat stroke. Besides, some diseases are more vulnerable to heat stroke. Patients of skin disease such as ectodermal dysplasia and diabetes have a risk of severe heat stroke. In addition, there is a risk of heat stroke to those who take some medicines such as antihistamines, aspirin and medicines for mental illness. Obese people have high risk of heat stroke.

Symptoms of Heat Stroke:
Feeling tired, nausea, dizziness and feeling muscle pain are the early symptoms of heat stroke. At this level, the body temperature remains below 106 degree Fahrenheit. If the patient is not treated at the right time, he may become unconscious. Body temperature may rise above 106 degree Fahrenheit. Different types of organs of the body began to break down. When heart failure occurs, blood pressure decreases. Due to the damage in the lungs, breathing is disturbed. Urinating stops as the kidneys do not work. The body’s ability to coagulate blood reduces and bleeding from different parts of the body starts. Some of the symptoms of heat stroke are similar to the symptoms of various kinds of diseases such as cerebral malaria, meningitis, septicemia etc. Therefore, heat stroke and the diagnosis of diseases require caution.

What to do in case of heat stroke:
As it has been said earlier, some of the symptoms of heat stroke coincide with some diseases. The patient has to be taken to hospital as quickly as possible.
  • Patient has to be shifted warmer place from cold environment. If possible, keep the patient in air conditioned room.
  • Try to reduce body temperature anyhow. Wipe the whole body with water. If necessary, the body has to be covered with wet cloth.
  • The patient’s nose and mouth should be kept clean so that he can take breath easily.
  • In the hospital, oxygen is given. Besides oxygen, potassium and saline are given if the amount of potassium in the body decreases. In case of bleeding, blood has to be given.
However, one word has to be kept in mind that the patients of heat stroke are not given aspirin to reduce temperature. Because, aspirin increases the tendency of bleeding.

Do the following to avoid heat stroke:
  1. Drink plenty of water.
  2. If possible, work in the open air.
  3. Wear light, loose cotton cloths.
  4. You can take shower twice a day.
  5. Take an umbrella when you go in the sun.
  6. Children and old should be more careful.
Be careful with the initial symptoms.

Giving Children Antibiotics too early could be harmful: Greek Study

A Greek study has found that although unavoidable sometimes, giving antibiotics to children could change their metabolism and increase the risk of developing their pre-diabetes.

Taking antibiotics could be harmful at any age. Antibiotics kills certain good bacteria in the gut. Thus it disrupts naturally occurring gut flora. Sometimes, alongside treatment, a course of probiotics is recommended by medical professionals. The aim is to rebalance the body’s microbial ecosystem.

Dr. Charikleia Stefanaki, a Research Associate from Pediatric Endocrinology at Athens University Medical School, Greece explained that increased consumption of antibiotics up to the age of three seemed to decrease beneficial gut microbes and change nutrient absorption and metabolism. That might lead to pre-diabetes. Pre-diabetes is an early high-risk stage of type 2 diabetes mellitus.

The researchers analyzed stool samples of 10 pre-diabetic adolescents and 14 healthy control patients. Their age was between 12 and 17. Thus the scientists established the link of taking antibiotics and diabetes.

The pre-diabetic children reported that they had taken antibiotics more than three times a year by the time they were 3 years old. Actually, they took antibiotics 8.5 times more between birth and 3 years than the healthy participants. Fewer species of Ruminococcus bacteria was found in their stool samples. Ruminococcus is one kind of bacteria which forms colonies that nourish beneficial bacteria in the gut.

The scientists suggest that the reduction of beneficial bacteria could lead to unfavorable changes in gut flora. This changes might be explained as the onset of pre-diabetes.

To reassure parents, the researchers have given some suggestions. They said that there are certain prebiotics and probiotics which could help reestablish a healthy balance of bacteria in the gut. They could also reduce any risk of pre-diabetes which is linked to increased antibiotic use in early childhood.

The researchers also pointed out the importance of using antibiotics correctly. They suggest that antibiotics should be used when they are really needed. In terms of children, everybody has to be more conscious. Dr. Charikleia Stefanaki says that gut microbes produce vitamins, hormones and micronutrients are frequently neglected by the medical community. These gut microbes interact with the gut’s nervous system and influence the gut’s immune response.

Antibody slows the growth and spread cancer cells found

A group of scientists, from QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute, has found an antibody that slows the growth and spread of common cancers.

The researchers found that the antibody inhibited the spread of lung, breast, melanoma and prostate cancer cells. It was doing this by activating immune cells which are known as Natural Killer (NK) cells.

The study lead author, Professor Mark Smyth, said that one kind of protein called CD96 sits on the surface of Natural Killer immune cells and stops the cells from becoming over-activated and attacking the body’s own healthy cells.

Smyth added that they previously found that cancers hijacked that process and stopped the immune system from recognizing cancer cells and becoming activated. Thus cancer would spread throughout the body.

In the latest study, the researchers have found that an antibody blocks CD96 and enables more effective NK cells activation. In this process, the NK cells detect and destroy the cancer cells.

The study opened a new horizon in immunotherapy treatments to fight cancer. Immunotherapy is a fast-developing field. In case of treating cancer, it is causing a revolution. To treat cancer it uses patient’s own immune system. It is also used in other serious diseases too.

According to Smyth, the findings are very significant and exciting. “In treating some cancers, immunotherapy treatments are proving highly successful”, Smyth added. However, the researchers are focusing on developing new treatments which work on a different types of immune cells which are known as cytotoxic T cells.

Smyth pointed out that by contrast, they had shown that they could slow the spread of cancer by targeting Natural Killer cells. They think that this method will be just as important and effective in future as other immunotherapy treatments which are being used now.

It was a significant finding that the antibody was more effective in slowing the spread of the cancer cells. It was prolonging survival when it was used in combination with existing agents which targets and activates cytotoxic T cells.

The journal Cancer Discovery published the study.

Lemon Water for 15 Reasons

Have you heard about lemon and weight loss? Yes, you must have. But maybe you did not know that there are many other benefits of lemon water besides weight loss. I am sure that you will add lemon water to your morning routine daily after reading this article!

Make a refreshing morning drink with a fresh lemon. It has plenty of benefits. You may be surprised to see some results. Let’s know all about it.

Lemon Detox:
Toxins are flashed out from our body by the help of lemon detox. Lemon contains citric acid. Citric acid flushes toxins from our liver, colon and gallbladder. Mix a teaspoon of honey in lemon water and drink in the morning. You will get a refreshing lemon cleanse.

Relieves Joint Pain:
Lemon water, full in vitamin C dissolves uric acid. It reduces inflammation in achy knees. Pain is reduced by this super drink. Arthritis patients are brought relief by this.

Fighting against Infection:
Lemon water stimulates body’s immune system. It keeps immune system running which fight against viral infection effectively.

Hydrated Body:
If you want to stay hydrated, drink lemon water. Citric acid of lemon water enhances mineral absorption. Minerals are very essential for keeping our organs running. Replenish the lost minerals and vitamins by adding a few slices of lemon in a glass of water.

For Weight Loss:
Taking 8 glasses of water everyday helps to boost our metabolism. Adding lemon to the water can add some perks to it. Lemon contains pectin. Pectin suppresses appetite and relieve hunger pangs. You will feel full for longer if you drink lemon water.

Improves Vision:
Lemon water is very effective on our eyesight. It improves our vision and prevents our eye related problems like cataract and macular degeneration.

Freshen Breath:
To get breath smelling fresh, drink lemon water. Toothaches and gum diseases are relieved by lemons. But keep in mind, too much citric acid erode tooth enamel.

Fresh Skin:
Lemon contains antioxidant properties. These properties help to reduce wrinkles and prevent signs of aging. Skin becomes fresh and glows from within. Drinking lemon water also kill those bacteria that cause acne.

To Ease Sore Throat:
Lemon contains antibacterial properties. So, lemon water can prevent sore throats. It also prevent other throat related problems.

Keeping Heart Healthy:
Heart related ailments are prevented by lemon. It prevents irregular heartbeat. It also prevent high blood pressure and high cholesterol. To keep blood pressure normal we should drink lemon water.

Preventing UTIs:
Drink lemon water a lot if you suffer from UTIs (Urinary Tract Infections). Lemon water flushes out toxins and boost the healing process. It cleanses the urinary tract. It stimulates a healthy production of urine. The antiseptic properties of lemon water keep the bad bacteria away.

Preventing Constipation:
The cleansing properties of lemon water help to prevent and treat constipation. Lemon water lubricates the digestive system. It improves bowel movement by flushing out undigested waste.

Keeping Cancer at Bay:
Pectin of lemon water protect the intestine from cancer. Lemon water contains anti-carcinogenic properties which remain longer in the body than other natural anti-cancer compounds. Drink just two tablespoon of lemon juice with honey in eight oz. of warm water. It is good for killing cancer cells.

Balancing PH Level:
Lemons are acidic so they alkalize foods for the body. To drink lemon water regularly helps to reduce acidity in the body. Our body becomes weak and more susceptible to illness and diseases if there is too much acidity.

Boosting Potassium:
Lemon is high in potassium. A lemon contains 80 milligrams of potassium. Potassium enhances muscle and nerve function. It is also good for our heart.

Take Blueberries to Prevent Alzheimer

As a superfood blueberries have already prized for its antioxidant properties. Blueberries have benefits on memory and cognitive function. A new American research has highlighted it.

This wonderful fruit can fight against the devastating effects of dementia. For an example Alzheimer’s disease could be mentioned.

It was known earlier that blueberries protect the heart and cut the risk of cancer. Now researchers have been studying blueberries for their effects on brain aging.
Previous studies showed that daily consumption of blueberries could reduce blood pressure in eight weeks only.

A study which was published in April 2013 found that blueberries contain polyphenols. Polyphenols encourage autophagy. Autophagy is a cellular self-cleaning process. This process removes toxic proteins which is built up in the brain.

In the latest study researchers monitored 47 American adults aged 68 and older. The participants had mild cognitive impairment.

The participants were given either freeze-dried blueberry powder, equivalent to a cup of berries or a placebo powder once a day. Researchers from the University of Cincinnati, USA conducted the study over a period of 16 weeks.

Those who took blueberry powder found their memory improved. They could access to words and concepts better. In comparison with those given the placebo, an MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) scan of the brain showed more dynamic brain activity in this group.

The second experiment was focused on 94 people who were aged 62 to 80. They subjectively felt their memories declining. Actually they had no objectively measured cognitive issues. The participants were split into four groups. One group were given blueberry powder. The other groups were given either fish oil, fish oil and powder or a placebo.

The second experiment found some improvement in cognitive function in those who were given either blueberry powder or fish oil. But, there was no improvement in memory. The MRI scan showed little specific increase in activity.

Eating blueberries could be beneficial if a cognitive impairment is already established. Researchers concluded this from the two experiment.

Alzheimer’s disease is a neurodegenerative disorder. It causes the progressive and irreversible destruction of neurons. According to the USA’s Alzheimer’s Association, at present more than 5.3 million Americans are affected by Alzheimer’s. But this number could rise by 40 percent by 2025. The number could be triple by 2050.

The Final Puzzle of Type 1 Diabetes Solved

Finally scientists have revealed a complete picture of the areas where the immune system attacks to create type 1 diabetes.

The journal Diabetes published the study. The study discovered the fifth and final critical target where the immune system takes aim.

To prevent and treat the disease the findings could help develop new ways. The team at the University of Lincoln said it.

According to Diabetes UK, the study results were “impressive”.

In type 1 diabetes, the beta cells which make insulin are destroyed by the immune system. Insulin is the hormone which is needed to keep blood sugar levels under control.

Studies were conducted looking at the unique antibodies which is made by patients with type 1 diabetes. The studies showed that the immune system attacked five key targets.

But to understand the targets was like identifying someone from their silhouette.

Some of the targets were discovered by studies long ago. However, the final target has proved elusive for two decades.

Dr. Michael Christie who led the research at the University of Lincoln, told the BBC that with the new discovery, they had finished identifying what the immune system was targeting. Now they have the complete picture.

The final piece of puzzle is tetraspanin-7. The other targets are: Insulin, Glutamate decarboxylase, IA-2 and Zinc transporter-8.

In secreting or storing the hormone insulin the more technically named ones are largely involved.

King’s College London has already used the knowledge of some of these targets. They are aiming to stall the progression of type-1 diabetes.

But according to Dr. Christie, having the complete picture could help transform care for type 1 patients.

He said that once the immune system decided it wanted to get rid of something it was very hard to stop. He also said that diabetes had proved to be a difficult disease to prevent.

So they are hoping that by identifying the major targets in diabetes-1, they will be able to find ways to prevent it by blocking the immune response to the five proteins without leaving that person vulnerable to infections.

Dr. Christie added that with recent improvements in their understanding of the disease he was very hopeful. They will develop a treatment now. He has a lot more confidence than five years ago.

Dr. Emily Burns from the charity Diabetes UK, said that in order to prevent type 1 diabetes, they needed to understand it fully how the immune responded that damages insulin-producing cells developed in the first place. Dr. Christie’s impressive research was helping them to do that.

Symptoms of Cancer, Many Women Avoid

Nowadays the types of cancer are almost equal in men and women because of living condition. But due to gender difference some cancers are found more in women than in men. Among them, breast and uterus cancer are the most common. Many women died of these cancers. However, if the symptoms are found earlier, it becomes easy to take advantage of the initial diagnosis and treatment. It can save many lives. Popular Health website Webmd and Wisemind Health Body informed us some signs of cancer.

Short Breathing: 
Lung cancer is higher in men than women. However, women also smoke now due to changes of living styles. Smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer. Lung cancer made breath short. If it happens, go to the doctor immediately.

Cough and Long term chest pain: 
The worst kind of cough is found in different types of cancer especially in leukemia and lung tumors. Many lung cancer patients report long term pain in the chest. Sometimes the pain spreads in shoulders and hands.

Fever and Infection: 
Fever and Infection are the symptoms of leukemia. Cancer of blood begins at bone marrow. This disease reduces the ability to fight against infection. So, talk to a doctor if frequent fever and infection are seen.

Fatigue and Weakness: 
Long term fatigue and weakness are the sings of different types of cancer. Fatigue may occur for various reasons. However, if you feel fatigue for a long time, consult a doctor.

Sudden Weight loss: 
If anybody lose weight although not doing any exercise, he has to consider it as a sigh of cancer.

In case of abnormal menstrual bleeding, consult a doctor. It is a symptom of cervical cancer.

Changes in Breast: 
If you feel any pawn in the breast or armpit or you feel any change there, consult a doctor. This is a sign of breast cysts. However, it also happens in case of breast cancer.

Bleeding during Sexual intercourse: 
Bleeding during Sexual intercourse such as coming out white lime water in the symptom of cervical cancer.

Loss of Appetite: 
One of the symptoms of cervical cancer is loss of appetite or to feel stomach full. This may happen for other cancers too. Do not avoid it if it happens for a long time.

Changes in skin: 
Changes color of the skin or mole is the common symptom of skin cancer. If it happens, consult a doctor too.

Blood in the stool or Urine: 
If blood passes with urine or stool, consult a doctor. Blood with stool is the sign of piles. It is a sign of colon cancer too. Blood in the urine is the symptom of bladder or kidney cancer. So, do not avoid if anything of this happens.

Stomach ache and sadness: 
Depression along with stomach ache is the symptom of pancreatic cancer. If this symptom is seen in anybody in the family, consult a doctor immediately.

Know the Important Things of Sexual Health of Men

In most societies, talking about sexual health is seen as disrespect and shame. But men have many sexual problems or conditions which cause much trouble for them. Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is one of these problems. For various reasons such as: inferiority, shame etc. a large number of men live in desperation hiding the problems. These problems, caused by gender could be solved domestically. In most cases, the effects of physical and mental lifestyle are responsible for it.

What is Erectile Dysfunction?
Erectile Dysfunction or Sexual Impotence is also known as Male Erectile Disorder. If ED occurs irregularly, it is not a matter of tension. But, if it happens frequently, one must consider it as a symptom of serious disease. Men’s sexual health may face threat for this. Taking doctor’s advice is the must in this case.

Causes of Erectile Dysfunction:
Men’s sexual arousal is a complex process. Brain, hormones, muscles, nerves, emotion, blood vessels, feelings etc. work together in this process. Any abnormality in this process causes serious problem in penis arousal and men’s sexual health. This problem may arise for physical and mental illness. Anxiety, depression and other mental illness can worsen the problem.

For the following physical causes, men’s sexual health faces threat:
  • Heart Disease and Diabetes.
  • Atherosclerosis or blood vessel closure.
  • Increased cholesterol levels in blood and excess fat.
  • Parkinson’s and peronei’s disease.
  • Decreased testosterone hormone.
  • Side effects of some medicines.
  • Taking drugs (tobacco, alcohol etc.).
Our brain plays important role in creating sexual excitement. So, Men's sexual disorders may be caused by some mental problems too. For example:
  • Anxiety, depression and mental pressure.
  • Fragile or lack of relationship.
  • If a man worry that he cannot satisfy his partner.
  • Many people becomes indifferent to sex. For this reason, the problem arises.
  • If ED is seen men becomes more anxious. In case of first times sex, many men face ED because of fear or anxiety.
The factors increase the risk of the disease:
Erectile power of penis decreases with age. Then it takes more time to be strong and it does not last long. However, age is not the only cause of ED. Other health problems and side effects of certain drugs are also responsible for this. Risk factors of the disease are as follows:

The risk of the disease increases if the nerves that control the erectile power of penis are damaged.
Using certain types of medicines such as: antidepressants, antihistamines, medicine for high blood pressure, pain and prostate cancer increase the risk of the disease.
Alcohol and drugs also increase the risk of ED.

  • Do exercise and control weight.
  • Quit smoking and avoid drinking alcohol.
  • Eat nutritious and healthy food.
  • Keep blood pressure and cholesterol under control.
  • Reduce anxiety and sleep adequately.
  • Take watermelon juice; pomegranate or pomegranate juice is also beneficial.
  • Do not feel inferiority.
The impact of mental condition is significant to keep men’s sexual health stable. Erectile Dysfunction is a very common problem. More than 90% of men suffer from this problem. They hide it and do not discuss with their partners. As you go to doctor when you have fever or other health problem and you take service of your partner, you have to do the same if you suffer from ED. You should talk to your partner. By following the above stated rules and developing mental condition, you can easily solve Erectile Dysfunction problem.

Which Exercise if Better: Sexual Intercourse or Walking?

Are you married and overweight? Are you trying to lose your weight? If you are married and walk regularly for weight loss, there is a new information for you. Health scientists have discovered that sexual intercourse is better exercise than walking for weight loss. Studies showed that sexual intercourse costs 4.2 calories per minute from men’s body. For women it is 3.1 calories. According to a study, published in a renowned journal, sex is better exercise than walking. 

However, there was a debate among scientists for a long time whether sexual intercourse is one kind of exercise or not. There is a general idea among people that sex for once costs 100 to 300 calories. But this information was totally guess based. Recently, some brave people participated in a study and researchers William Masters and Virginia Johnson recorded data of activation in their body.

During sexual intercourse their heart beat increased and it went up to 180 per minute. In comparison with normal exercise, it is found that the heartbeat of a 50 year old man is 45 to 119 per minute during a medium type of heavy exercise. This implies that sex is better than a moderate exercise. That means, your one hour sex works as 36 minutes moderate weight loss exercise.

Earlier in 1984, another study was conducted on 10 brave couples. The information of their physical condition was recorded using heartbeat, blood pressure, oxygen gas analyzer and electrocardiography. It was also found then that their heartbeat increased much.

But the process had a problem. The study used many tools connected with sensors, tubes etc. In the presence of such tools normal sex was hampered. So, the results of the study were not considered accurate. However, the recent study has solved the problem.

This time researchers got all information of calorie consumption just wearing an armband called Sensewear. At first the participants were told to do moderate exercise to get a primary idea. Then they were went home with the armband attached to their body. Data came to the researchers when the couples were engaging sexual intercourse at home.

Definitely, people like sex more than hard exercises such as: exercise at the gym, swimming or shedding sweat by running. And, since it is more effective than doing household chores, scientists hope that, after getting this information, people will be more interested and their calorie shedding will increase.

Mental Problems of Elders: Our Responsibility

There are some psychological problems in old age like each step of the development of human life. However, most of the people do not understand mental problems of older people or misunderstand them. Because of lack of knowledge, many people do not know the problems of the elders. As a result, they give pain to elders and suffer pain themselves too. Again, many people give this matter less importance even if they know it. For this reason, psychological problems of elders increase. But an elderly person is like a banyan tree for a family. His knowledge helps the family a lot. Not only that, all of them are emotional refuge. Let us know the problems of the elderly people:

The number of individuals above 60 years is increasing in the world currently. Due to decrease of mortality and fertility rates, the proportion of elderly people is increasing. Among them, nearly 6.6 percent are losing their movement power. Almost 15% of them suffer from mental problems. Among the mental problems, depression and dementia are common. In addition, anxiety also annoy much.

Due to physical condition, loneliness, family problems and thinking, could not do anything in life, elderly people suffer from depression. About 7% of elderly men and women suffer from depression. The symptoms of depression are like other people. Sometimes elders do not understand the feelings of depression. In that case, they might have this problem.

In old age, medication and psychotherapy are the treatment methods of depression. Psychotherapy works with the psycho-social causes that are responsible for depression. However, sometimes the affected person lives in so much frustration that he does not get any interest in taking psychotherapy. Then it needs to take drugs.

The main symptoms of dementia is losing memory. Sometimes, although he could remember childhood memories, it becomes very difficult for him to remember the things he has done a few years ago. For this reason, family members misunderstand him. They think that the person is doing so to make trouble for them.

It is assumed that 35.6 million people worldwide are suffering from dementia. The number is becoming double in every 20 years. The harmful effects of dementia are vulnerable in middle income countries.

If you want to help a dementia affected person, you have to help his family first. The reason is that, if you foster pain in the deep of your heart, it is not possible for you to help the elderly person.

Anxiety can come in old age for various reasons. For several reasons, anxiety is seen in them, such as: decreasing income, increasing the cost of living, going away children, death of someone of the same age, losing ability to work, dependency on others etc. During this period, everybody should cooperate them with highly empathy. Pride rises at this age. So, everybody should talk to them carefully so that they do not get hurt in mind. A doctor’s advice might be taken to solve the problem.