
Is Deadly Ebola Coming Back?

Although the World Health Organization (WHO) did not recognize any Ebola Vaccine, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that Russia has developed a vaccine. The Time reported it on their Health page on Jan.14, 2016.

It was a great news for all when the WHO announced that West Africa is free from Ebola. But the news was good for a few hours only because a patient died from Ebola in Sierra Leone after the WHO's declaration.

So, it is said that tension is not over. Ebola is still a threat. Not being worried much, we have to know details about the deadly virus. You can visit BBC where you will find many articles, analysis and videos related to Ebola.

So, to know the present situation of Ebola, you have to visit the leading sites. Although Zika is getting priority over Ebola, nobody can deny that Ebola threat has not been finished yet.

Ebola was first reported in West Africa in 2014. And Ebola showed its most destruction power since its discovery in 1976. Six West African countries reported Ebola. The countries are Liberia, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Mali and the USA.

Ebola has killed more than 11,000 people. The WHO has acknowledged that the figure of death has been underestimated because of lacking of data. Still it needs time to declare an affected country Ebola-free. Though Ebola was confined to several West African countries, other countries were also in the threat.

So, all the people of the world have to know how Ebola attacks and spreads. Everybody has to know the destructive power of the deadly virus. All kinds of preventive measures have to be taken. Money has to be spent to invent more effective medicines. As Ebola can spread again from the affected countries, those countries have to be given most priority.

We know that Ebola spreads from man to man not by air like flu. So, the risk is always high. The virus exists on a surface about six days. Potential vaccines and medicines are being tested. Like other crisis, this crisis can be eliminated through combined efforts. All kinds of government and non-government organizations (NGO) should come forward to solve the problem.

Last two years we have seen that the wealthy countries were very active over Ebola issue. This kind of cooperative measures is needed to finish the crisis completely.

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