
How much you know about Summer Heat Stroke?

Every year, temperature is rising. The earth is becoming warmer. But the temperature of human body is regulated internally. Our body tries to maintain its own temperature though the temperature of the environment is increased. Then the body starts to sweat. Sweat is evaporated and our body becomes cool. But if there is not enough stored water in the body, problems occur. The body becomes warmer with the increase of humidity. As a result, evaporating ability of sweat decreases. Thus the situation of heat stroke is created.

Who experience Heat Stroke:
Children and elderly people cannot regulate body temperature more. So, they could have heat stroke. In addition to that, labor may be a cause of heat stroke. Standing or working in the sun for a long time is also susceptible to heat stroke. Besides, some diseases are more vulnerable to heat stroke. Patients of skin disease such as ectodermal dysplasia and diabetes have a risk of severe heat stroke. In addition, there is a risk of heat stroke to those who take some medicines such as antihistamines, aspirin and medicines for mental illness. Obese people have high risk of heat stroke.

Symptoms of Heat Stroke:
Feeling tired, nausea, dizziness and feeling muscle pain are the early symptoms of heat stroke. At this level, the body temperature remains below 106 degree Fahrenheit. If the patient is not treated at the right time, he may become unconscious. Body temperature may rise above 106 degree Fahrenheit. Different types of organs of the body began to break down. When heart failure occurs, blood pressure decreases. Due to the damage in the lungs, breathing is disturbed. Urinating stops as the kidneys do not work. The body’s ability to coagulate blood reduces and bleeding from different parts of the body starts. Some of the symptoms of heat stroke are similar to the symptoms of various kinds of diseases such as cerebral malaria, meningitis, septicemia etc. Therefore, heat stroke and the diagnosis of diseases require caution.

What to do in case of heat stroke:
As it has been said earlier, some of the symptoms of heat stroke coincide with some diseases. The patient has to be taken to hospital as quickly as possible.
  • Patient has to be shifted warmer place from cold environment. If possible, keep the patient in air conditioned room.
  • Try to reduce body temperature anyhow. Wipe the whole body with water. If necessary, the body has to be covered with wet cloth.
  • The patient’s nose and mouth should be kept clean so that he can take breath easily.
  • In the hospital, oxygen is given. Besides oxygen, potassium and saline are given if the amount of potassium in the body decreases. In case of bleeding, blood has to be given.
However, one word has to be kept in mind that the patients of heat stroke are not given aspirin to reduce temperature. Because, aspirin increases the tendency of bleeding.

Do the following to avoid heat stroke:
  1. Drink plenty of water.
  2. If possible, work in the open air.
  3. Wear light, loose cotton cloths.
  4. You can take shower twice a day.
  5. Take an umbrella when you go in the sun.
  6. Children and old should be more careful.
Be careful with the initial symptoms.

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