
Gain Good Health in a Minute

Could you gain good health in sixty seconds only? Because of being busy or idleness you cannot manage time for exercise. No, you are not alone. In Britain, 80% of the people are in this group. You will find more people like this around the world. How wonderful it would be for such kinds of people if there is an exercise that is completed in one minute!

According to the UK doctors, 115 minutes exercise a week is ideal. But it is possible to gain good health by taking heavy physical exercise for a few minutes. This kind of heavy and short time exercise is called ‘High Intensity Interval Training’ or HIIT in brief. How much time does this exercise take? This exercise takes a few minutes in a week. That means, one minute per day is enough. This exercise is scientific too.

BBC reported, scientists have been conducting a comparable research between common physical exercise and HIIT. And the information gotten about HIIT is positive.

Micle Mosley, a BBC reporter and doctor, experimented HIIT on himself. He faced the researchers at University of Nottingham, and the researchers conducted some experiments on him. According to the researchers’ instructions, Mosley drove a stationary bike for 60 seconds at 20 seconds interval. Thus he took exercise for six weeks. Again the researchers tested his body. What did they find? They found that HIIT had influenced the carbohydrate and physical activities of Mosley positively.

According to the research, physical power is increased by HIIT. Along with that, heart and lung power is also increased. Why does it happen? It happens because HIIT increases the power of mitochondria. Besides this, some hormones are released by HIIT. The hormones help to reduce the fat of the body.

Yes, it is true that HIIT brings good health. But before taking such exercise, you have to consult with your doctor. Researchers are giving you such advice.

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