Do you neglect eating breakfast? Many people often do it. Maybe, they do not know or ignore it willingly. The truth is, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It is very beneficial for health. It gives energy which is essential for starting a long day. So, to be physically active all day long and to reduce food intake, never skip your breakfast. A study conducted by University of Bath in Britain has found it. Times of India published a report on the study on Feb 13, 2016.
Researchers have found scientific evidence how breakfast changes our health. Though the study result highlights the impact of breakfast, it still depends on personal goals of the individual, one of the researchers said.
The researchers divided some obese people aged 21-60 into two groups. One group was fasting and another group was breakfasting. They studied the people for six weeks. Researchers asked the breakfasting group to eat almost 700 calories before 11 am. The group consumed the asked quantity of meal within two hours of their waking up. Researchers allowed the fasting group water only.
If you think about weight loss, researchers have little suggestions for you. But if you think about a healthy lifestyle, researchers have suggestions for you relating eating breakfast. On the other hand, different people respond to food differently and they do not take equal breakfast.
A registered dietitian and spokesperson for the British Dietetic Association, Chole Miles also acknowledged the importance of breakfast. mentioned it in one of their articles on Jan 27, 2016. Studies have shown that more than 60 percent Americans do not take breakfast. They argue that their busy schedule is the main cause behind it. But it has been proved unhealthy for them.
So, we should take breakfast considering the following matters:
Breakfast is important for brain. Students who take breakfast regularly can
make good results in their test.
After a long fasting night, our body want energy. Foods rich in fiber, vitamin
C and D, and glucose give us the required energy.
Researchers have found that skipping breakfast increases the risk of being more
4. A study in Japan found that people who skip
breakfast can increase the risk of hemorrhagic stroke.
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