
Lemon Water for 15 Reasons

Have you heard about lemon and weight loss? Yes, you must have. But maybe you did not know that there are many other benefits of lemon water besides weight loss. I am sure that you will add lemon water to your morning routine daily after reading this article!

Make a refreshing morning drink with a fresh lemon. It has plenty of benefits. You may be surprised to see some results. Let’s know all about it.

Lemon Detox:
Toxins are flashed out from our body by the help of lemon detox. Lemon contains citric acid. Citric acid flushes toxins from our liver, colon and gallbladder. Mix a teaspoon of honey in lemon water and drink in the morning. You will get a refreshing lemon cleanse.

Relieves Joint Pain:
Lemon water, full in vitamin C dissolves uric acid. It reduces inflammation in achy knees. Pain is reduced by this super drink. Arthritis patients are brought relief by this.

Fighting against Infection:
Lemon water stimulates body’s immune system. It keeps immune system running which fight against viral infection effectively.

Hydrated Body:
If you want to stay hydrated, drink lemon water. Citric acid of lemon water enhances mineral absorption. Minerals are very essential for keeping our organs running. Replenish the lost minerals and vitamins by adding a few slices of lemon in a glass of water.

For Weight Loss:
Taking 8 glasses of water everyday helps to boost our metabolism. Adding lemon to the water can add some perks to it. Lemon contains pectin. Pectin suppresses appetite and relieve hunger pangs. You will feel full for longer if you drink lemon water.

Improves Vision:
Lemon water is very effective on our eyesight. It improves our vision and prevents our eye related problems like cataract and macular degeneration.

Freshen Breath:
To get breath smelling fresh, drink lemon water. Toothaches and gum diseases are relieved by lemons. But keep in mind, too much citric acid erode tooth enamel.

Fresh Skin:
Lemon contains antioxidant properties. These properties help to reduce wrinkles and prevent signs of aging. Skin becomes fresh and glows from within. Drinking lemon water also kill those bacteria that cause acne.

To Ease Sore Throat:
Lemon contains antibacterial properties. So, lemon water can prevent sore throats. It also prevent other throat related problems.

Keeping Heart Healthy:
Heart related ailments are prevented by lemon. It prevents irregular heartbeat. It also prevent high blood pressure and high cholesterol. To keep blood pressure normal we should drink lemon water.

Preventing UTIs:
Drink lemon water a lot if you suffer from UTIs (Urinary Tract Infections). Lemon water flushes out toxins and boost the healing process. It cleanses the urinary tract. It stimulates a healthy production of urine. The antiseptic properties of lemon water keep the bad bacteria away.

Preventing Constipation:
The cleansing properties of lemon water help to prevent and treat constipation. Lemon water lubricates the digestive system. It improves bowel movement by flushing out undigested waste.

Keeping Cancer at Bay:
Pectin of lemon water protect the intestine from cancer. Lemon water contains anti-carcinogenic properties which remain longer in the body than other natural anti-cancer compounds. Drink just two tablespoon of lemon juice with honey in eight oz. of warm water. It is good for killing cancer cells.

Balancing PH Level:
Lemons are acidic so they alkalize foods for the body. To drink lemon water regularly helps to reduce acidity in the body. Our body becomes weak and more susceptible to illness and diseases if there is too much acidity.

Boosting Potassium:
Lemon is high in potassium. A lemon contains 80 milligrams of potassium. Potassium enhances muscle and nerve function. It is also good for our heart.

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