
Is Your Heart Fit?

Heart, the pump machine is the most important part of our body. Our wellness depends on the wellness of our heart. Any complication in heart can pose the highest threat death to our life. Nowadays, it is seen that heart problems are increasing rapidly. Modern lifestyle and food are causing heart diseases. So for a healthy life, we have to know how to keep our heart fit. World media can help us a lot in this regard. Most of the leading health related and news sites publish articles, news and tips about this matter. For this reason, we want to visit the sites to know the information about heart and heart related diseases...

Heart Attack in Women:
According to the American Heart Association, the causes of Heart Attacks and symptoms are not the same in men and women. Heart failure and death rates are higher in women. Shortness of breath, nausea or vomiting, back or neck pain are some of unusual symptoms women show during a heart attack. The study shows that white women have lower incidence of heart attacks than black women. Fox News Health reported it on Jan 26, 2016.

Heart Diseases in Women:
There is a myth that heart diseases are related to men. It is absolutely incorrect. The correct information is, more women die in heart disease than men every year. In the US, 1 in 3 women are affected by heart disease. More than 44 million American women are living with it. But people are not conscious of this reality. Realizing this, American Heart Association asks everyone to observe 5th of February as 'Red Day' to raise awareness for Heart disease in women. So, women have to be very conscious of their heart. They have to control high blood pressure and diabetes. On the other hand, they have to check their health regularly. Foxnews health reported it on Feb 05, 2016.

Signs Before Heart Attack:
A sudden heart attack kills many all around the world. In the US, at least 1000 people experience sudden cardiac attack every year. Recently researchers are saying that heart attack is not a case which occur suddenly. Symptoms are shown one week ago before an attack. One of the symptoms may be shortness of breath. Foxnews health reported it on Feb 03, 2016.

In the end we can say that fitness of heart means fitness of the body. So, everybody should know how to keep the heart fit. We must take help of the world media in this regard.

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