
Is Your Child Suffering From Diabetes?

Diabetes cannot be diagnosed in children and adults primarily in most cases. Type-1 diabetes is detected when the complexity of health turns into a severe condition. At present, the number of diabetes affected children is increasing substantially. Here some symptoms of type-1 diabetes are given below:

The pancreas of the type-1 diabetes affected patient cannot produce sufficient insulin. As a result, energy producing glucose or carbohydrate cannot reach the cells of the body. For this reason, type-1 diabetes patients always feel tiredness.

Feeling Thirsty
Frequent thirstiness is one of the main symptoms of type-1 diabetes. Feeling thirsty frequently at night is considered as a symptom of diabetes.

The main symptom of having been affected by diabetes is frequent urinating. Children affected by this disease are seen to urinate in bed. There is no scope that urinating frequently at night is a common problem. If anybody suffer from this problem, he has to take doctor’s advice as quickly as possible.

Being sick or tired
Because of type-1 diabetes, the activities of insulin in the body is hampered. As glucose is not used properly, cellular and physical growth is hampered. Consequently, the affected person becomes sick and weak day by day.

If you find any symptom stated above, take the advice of the doctors immediately. If you find symptoms in your children, test diabetes according to the doctor’s advice not wasting any time. The serious physical problem ‘ketoacidosis’ could be prevented by timely treatment of type-1 diabetes. Provide mental support to type-1 diabetes affected children so that they do not suffer from depression.

Diabetes is a metabolic disease. Want of insulin hormone in our body creates disturbance in metabolism. As a result, the amount of glucose in blood is increased and comes out with urine. This incident is known as diabetes. Diabetes is not a contagious or infectious disease. Type-1 and type-2 are two different types of diabetes.

Type-1 Diabetes
Insulin is not produced in the body of type-1 diabetes patients. Generally, this kind of diabetes is seen before 30 years of age (average age 10-20 years). To stay healthy, this patients need to take insulin. These patients are generally thin.

Type-2 Diabetes

These patients are generally above 30 years of age. But the number of patients below 30 is increasing day by day. Insulin is produced in the body of these patients but it is not sufficient or insulin does not work properly. Sometimes, these two causes might be seen simultaneously. These kinds of patients are not insulin dependent. In many cases, they can be treated with changing diet and regular exercise. These patients are especially fat

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